Our awards

Fabryka Drutu Gliwice is a company which actively participates in organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Customer competitions.

In tribute to tradition

In tribute to tradition, the staff and the friends of Granite Strzegom- the biggest granite mine in the European Union - celebrated another year of its activity.

160th birthday of Fabryka Drutu Gliwice

The Gliwicki Teatr Muzyczny filled with outstanding guests on the last Friday.

Gold Merit

We are pleased to announce that Janusz Wojcik received

Quick contact

Przesiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe

"Inprod" Sp. z o.o.

ul. Kozielska 490, 44-164 Gliwice, Poland

tel +48 32 270 13 61, +48 32 270 12 96
